NetBeans 6.0

The NetBeans IDE is a free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web and mobile applications, in Java, C/C++ and even Ruby. The IDE runs on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris; it is easy to install and use straight out of the box.

The 6.0 release includes significant enhancements and new features, including a completely rewritten editor infrastructure, support for additional languages, new productivity features, and a simplified installation process that allows you to easily install and configure the IDE to meet your exact needs.

Easy to use professional Java GUI Builder
Create professional-looking Java GUIs by placing and aligning components on a canvas.
  • Professional GUI Building
  • Standard and Custom GUI Components
  • Beans Building Technology (JSR 295) Support
  • Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) support
Visual Web and Java EE development
Build standards-based web applications visually using Ajax, CSS, and JSF. Full set of tools for EJB development. Write standards-based web and enterprise applications that can be accessed with a web browser over the internet or an intranet.
  • Web and Enterprise Application Development
  • Easy Migration from Java Studio Creator
Visual Mobile Development
Create, test and debug GUI applications that run on mobile phones, set-top boxes, and PDAs
  • Visual Mobile Designer
  • Mobile Game Builder
  • Modular Build System
  • A Solution for the Device Fragmentation Issues
  • Access to Web Driven Services
  • SVG Support
  • Integrated Tools
Visual UML Modeling
Separate software design from implementation with UML Modeling.
  • Forwar and Reverse Engeenering
  • UML Diagram Types
  • Customizable Code Generation
  • Integrated UML Tools

Ruby and Rails Support
Powerful Ruby editor (with code completion), debugger, and full support for Rails. Includes the JRuby runtime.
  • Ruby Projects
  • Ruby Source Code Editor
  • Ruby on Rails Projects
  • Ruby and Rails Debugger
  • Ruby Gems Installation Manager
C and C++ Development
Full-featured C/C++ editor, debugger, project templates, and support for multiple project configuration. Develop professional native applications in C and C++ for a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Solaris operating systems.
  • C/C++ Projects
  • C/C++ Templates
  • Source Code Editor
  • Integrated Debugger
  • Compiler Configurations
  • Configuration Manager
  • Makefile support
  • Class Hiearachy Browser
  • File Navigation

JDK 6 or JDK 5.0 is required for installing and running the NetBeans IDE. You can download the JDK here.
You can also download the NetBeans IDE as part of the Java EE 5 Tools Bundle.