
For example, GIMP comes with 48 standard brushes, plus facilities to create new ones. Brushes (and brush tools) can be used in hard-edged, soft-edged, or eraser modes, be applied at different opacities, or used with different modes for composition.
GIMP supports gradients, which integrate into its other tools (such as brushes and fills) to shade image areas with automated color blending. It includes a variety of built-in gradients, and as with the brushes, also allows the user to customize and create their own gradient fills.
GIMP can perform rectangular or circular selection, freehand selection, and "by color" selection. Alternatively, the Smart Selection tool, known as the "Magic Wand", can be used to select contiguous regions. The Intelligent Scissors (iScissors) tool can be used to auto-create paths between regions defined by strong color-changes.
GIMP has support for layers, including transparent layers, which can be shown, hidden, or made semitransparent. It also supports transparent and semitransparent images. Channels add different types of opacity and color effects to images.
Paths containing line segments or Bezier curves can be created using the Ink tool. Paths can be named, saved, and painted (or "stroked") with brushes, patterns, or various line styles. Paths can also be used to create complex selections.
Effects, Scripts and Filters
GIMP has approximately 150 standard effects and filters, including Drop Shadow, Blur, Motion blur and Noise.
GIMP operations can be automated with scripting languages. A Scheme interpreter named Gimp-Fu is built in, and external Perl, Python, or Tcl can be used. Ruby support is in experimental development. These scripts and plugins for GIMP can be used interactively, or combined non-interactively.
File Types
GIMP has support for opening and saving to a large number of different file formats. Its native format is XCF, named after the computing facility where GIMP was authored.
GIMP has read/write support for popular image formats such as bitmap, JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF, along with the file formats of several competing applications such as Autodesk flic animations, Paintshop Pro images and Adobe Photoshop Documents. Other formats with read/write support include PostScript documents, X bitmap image and Zsoft PCX. GIMP can also read and write path information from SVG files.
GIMP can import Adobe PDF documents and the raw image formats used by many digital cameras, but cannot save to these formats.
GIMP can export to MNG layered image files and HTML (as a table with coloured cells), source code files (as an array) and CASCII Art (using a plugin to represent images with characters and punctuation making up images), though it cannot read these formats.

- License: Free Open Source
- Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
- Limitations: No limitations
- Publisher link: Gimp
- Download link: Gimp for Windows 2.4.2 (14.5 MB)
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